Last month, you might recall that Sumo Steaks donated all procedes from our eBay store sales to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
This month, thanks to one of our good friends, we were introduced to Cabbie Richards, a Canadian man who is growing a moustache – zero shaving, in honor of Prostate Health Awareness.
We’ve all known someone with some sort of cancer. It’s sad, but true that we all share this bond. Cancers of the prostate for men aren’t often discussed because of the stigma as well as the “private nature” of it all.
Regardless of whether we talk about it or not, Prostate Health is just as important as skin, digestive, heart, and kidney health. In fact, the more we talk about it, the more men may be willing to come forward with signs of Prostate Cancer, rather than beĀ embarrassedĀ about it. Early detection is key.
Cabbie has raised $555 (as of 11:30 AM today) and he’s even documenting his progress via pictures.
Check out this silky smooth mug, which will surely be growing some stubble by next week.
We encourage you to make a donation, if you are able, to Cabbie and his team in support of his brave and inspiring November mission to raise awareness for Prostate Health.
Go Cabbie! You can follow Cabbie on Twitter as well.
And while you’re at it, follow Sumo Steaks on Twitter as we continue to create a fast food chain and a brand.